Late Summer 2021 Catalogue

Showing items 161 to 180

209 items in this catalogue total,
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166. [Literature & Art] Ginsberg, Allen. (1926–1997).
"Kaddish and Other Poems" - SIGNED

San Francisco: City Lights Books. February 1969. Ninth Printing. Signed copy of the important Beat poet's 1961 poetry collection, encompassing work written between 1958 and 1960, with inscription on title page: "For Louis Mandel/ Tucson, Ariz./ Aug. 1969/ Allen Ginsberg."  16mo, 100 pp.,  small spot and block of toning on front cover, mounting stains to inside cover, small horizontal tear to back cover, else fine.  4.75 x 6.25 inches (12.1 x 15.9 cm.).

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Signed Document/Item
Autographs & Manuscripts
Books & Libretti

167. [Literature & Art] Ginsberg, Allen. (1926–1997).
"Kaddish and Other Poems" - Signed

San Francisco: City Lights Books. 1991. 22nd Printing. Signed copy of the important Beat poet's 1961 poetry collection, encompassing work written between 1958 and 1960, with signature on title page dated 1992, Paterson (NJ).  12mo. 12.5 x 16 cm. In very fine condition.

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Signed Document/Item
Autographs & Manuscripts
Books & Libretti

168. [Literature & Art] [Glover, Tony. (1939–2019)].
Collection of 28 Volumes from Tony Glover Collection

Collection of 28 poetry, artwork, and photography books from the personal estate of Tony Glover.  Read More...

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169. [Literature & Art] Grisham, John. (b. 1955).
The Firm – SIGNED

New York : Doubleday. 1991. Signed copy of the legal thriller by the American novelist, attorney, politician and activist. A later edition, signed and inscribed boldly in felt tip on the title page, " To David Bailey / welcome back to Mississippi – /John Grisham."  8vo. Hardcover. 421 pp. Jet black paper covered boards w/ black quartercloth and gold gilt titles, as well as light gold endpapers. In a fine dj, original price of $19.95 intact. In fine condition.

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170. [Literature & Art] Huxley, Aldous. (1894–1963).
Autograph Letter Signed

ALS from the English writer and philosopher to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, declining an invitation to speak.  14.ix.53 (14 September 1953); Los Angeles; 1 pp., airmail letter.  "Dear Madam,/  Thank you for your kind letter.  My plains are quite uncertain in as much as they depend on the health of a member of my family.  Hence it is impossible for me to make any definite arrangement with your organization./  Yours very truly/  Aldous Huxley."  Expected mailing folds, two holes to left margin, else fine. Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts

171. [Literature & Art] Ionesco, Eugène. (1909–1994).
Typed Letters Signed

Pair of TLS from the Romanian-French playwright to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, written shortly after Ionesco returned to Paris from a speaking tour with the ACI in Italy.  In the first letter (Paris, 17 December 1963;  1 pp. on A4 paper), Ionesco writes, in part (translated from the French): "I will not forget your welcome and I am happy to have received from you a sign of friendship that honors me."  The second (7 January 1964;  1 p. on A4 paper) thanks her again for her "Favole," and "now in turn I am sending you the text of the conference, as well as the receipt you asked for," adding also an autograph postscript note.  The mentioned text is absent, but a paperclip mark can be seen to the upper left corner of the letter.  Ionesco delivered a lecture at the ACI in November of 1963 entitled "L'auteur et ses problèmes."  Expected mailing folds, two punch holes to left margin, else in fine condition. Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts
Film & Theater

172. [Literature & Art] Irving, Washington. (1783–1859).
Original CDV Photograph

An original carte de visite photograph portrait of the American short story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat best known for his short stories "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." A reproduction by George G. Rockwood of New York on the original mount, with a caption on the verso: "This Photograph is COPIED from another picture, and must not be taken as a sample of our work direct from life." Lower edge slightly trimmed obscuring the photographer's name and with some scattered spots; otherwise in fine condition. 2.5 x 4 inches (6.3 x 10.1 cm).

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Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

173. [Literature & Art] Koren, Ed. (b. 1935).
Signed Drawing

Amusing drawing by the prolific New Yorker Cartoonist, who has signed "Koren" in ink above his rendering of a fish.  Notch to lower left corner, slight discoloration to edges, else fine. 8 x 5 inches (20.5 x 12.5 cm.).

Koren's career began in 1962, when the The New Yorker first accepted one of his cartoons.  He has been a regular ever since, with thousands of published drawings to his name.

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Artwork & Sculpture
Autograph Document
Art & Design
Autographs & Manuscripts
Art & Artists

174. [Literature & Art] L'Engle, Madeleine. (1918–2007).
"A Wrinkle In Time" – Signed Author's Copy

New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1987. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition. 8vo.  Burgundy cloth bound with slip cover.  203 pp.  The author's own copy (identified as "A/C" and signed by L'Engle aside from the 500 numbered copies) of the Limited Edition of L'Engle's genre-crossing work - science fiction, horror, children's - which has long captivated audiences.  Light wear; in fine condition.  Acquired from the library of L'Engle.

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176. [Literature & Art] Masson, André. (1896–1987).
L'Oeil: Revue d'art - Signed Interview in 1955 Issue

4to.  48 pp.  15 May 1955 issue of L'Oeil: Revue d'art.  Masson was the subject of an interview entitled "Le Surréalisme et après" conducted by the magazine's cofounder, Georges Bernier, and has signed to page 12, beneath the title.  In fine condition. Read More...

177. [Literature & Art] McCarthy, Mary. (1912–1989).
"Meanwhile, I have another problem." - Typed Letter Signed

TLS with several handwritten marks from the American novelist to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, regarding a refund for an unused train ticket.  January 9, 1969;  Paris; 1 pp., written on thin paper.  "Dear Miss Antonetto;/ Did you get my speech?*/  Meanwhile, I have another problem.  My Turin/Paris return railroad ticket.  When I took it in for refund to the agency which issued it here in Paris, they told me it would have to be stamped in Turin before January 15th.  Someone must take it to the Turin station with the note, 'questo biglietto non sarà utilizzato.' ['This ticket was not used']./  The person who takes it to the Turin station to be 'timbrato' ['stamped'] must claim that the ticket is his, or hers.  This all sounds complicated, but they say that it is the only way to get one's money back./  With best wishes,/  [Signature]/  Mary McCarthy/  Enclosure: Rail ticket Turin/Paris/  [autograph addendum]  *P.S. It turns out that I forgot to put the speech in the mail.  Here it is."  Expected mailing folds,  two holes to right margin, else fine.  8.5 x 10.5 inches (21.6 x 26.7 cm.). Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts

178. [Literature & Art] Miller, Arthur. (1915–2005).
"I have found that [public speaking] takes too much time and especially now I have too much writing before me." - Typed Letter Signed

TLS from the American playwright to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana responding to an invitation to speak.  Roxbury, Connecticut, July 27, 1964;  1 p. on personal stationary.  In part, "If I were to lecture at all I would be especially glad to do so under the auspices of the A.C.I. but I have all but given up public speaking.  I have found that it takes too much time and especially now I have too much writing before me."  At the time of writing, Miller was likely preparing Incident at Vichy to open on Broadway in December of the same year.  Expected mailing folds, two holes punched to left margin, else fine.  7.5 x 10.5 inches (19 x 26.7 cm.).  Together with TLS from Miller's secretary, Elizabeth Hannum, declining an earlier invitation.  July 10, 1962;  1 pp. on Miller's personal stationary.  Expected mailing folds, two holes punched to left margin, fragment of transmissal envelope stapled to upper left corner, else fine.  7.5 x 10.5 inches (19 x 26.7 cm.). Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts
Film & Theater

179. [Literature & Art] Murdoch, Iris. (1919–1999).
"It will be delightful to stay with them in Milan" - Autograph Letter Signed

ALS from the British novelist and philosopher to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, regarding housing arrangements for an upcoming speaking engagement.  January 27, year unknown; 1 pp., on stationary for Cedar Lodge, Steeple Aston, Oxford.  "Dear Professor Antonetto:/  Thank you very much for your letter, for details of our hotels.  And please thank Mrs. Feltrinelli very much too- it will be delightful to stay with them in Milan./  I have to send the text before long. All good wishes,/  Iris Murdoch."  Horizontal mailing crease, else fine.  Approx. 5.5 x 7 inches (14 x 17.8 cm.). Read More...

180. [Literature & Art] Ponti, Gio. (1891–1979).
Typed Letter Signed

TLS from with the Italian architect to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, itemizing travelling expenses for a recent speaking engagement.  Milan, 20 December, 1957; 1 pp., on his stationery.  Mailing folds, else very fine, 8.75 x 11 inches (22.2 x 27.9 cm.). Read More...

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Art & Design
Autographs & Manuscripts
Art & Artists

181. [Literature & Art] [Prévert, Jacques. (1900–1977)].
"[Prévert] has never given a lecture, and does not wish to" - Typed Letter Signed from His Editor

TLS written on behalf of the French poet and screenwriter by René Bertelé, Prévert's "editor and friend" at Gallimard, to Professor Giancarlo Camerana of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, declining an invitation to speak.  Paris, 27 May, 1952;  2 pp. on NRF stationary.  In part (translated from the French), "I write on behalf of Monsieur Jacques Prévert...Monsieur Prévert thanks you for having thought of him for this conference tour, but he regrets that he cannot accept: In effect, he has never given a lecture, and does not wish to."  Bertelé goes on to suggest that the ACI could instead present "characteristic fragments" of Prévert's work as part of a presentation given by "someone who knows Jacques Prévert well."  Expected mailing folds, two holes to left margin, else fine.  5 x 8 inches (12.7 x 20.3 cm.). Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts
Film & Theater

182. [Literature & Art] Romains, Jules. (1885–1972).
"I am prepared to accept conditions significantly inferior to the sort I have become accustomed to, though somewhat better than those you have proposed" - Collection of Letters Concerning a Speaking Tour in Italy

Group of seven letters, including four typed letters signed from the French poet and writer together with one autograph letter signed and two TLS from his wife, Lise Romains, to Professors Giancarlo Camerana and Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, regarding a speaking tour in March of 1956.  In the first letter (Paris, 15 October 1955;  1 pp. on A4 personal stationary), Romains writes in part (translated from the French) "It would be my pleasure to speak to your public in the four cities you suggested.  However, the material conditions you've offered seem quite modest to me.  Because I am so fond of Italy and because I am always happy to return there, I am prepared to accept conditions significantly inferior to the sort I have become accustomed to, though somewhat better than those you have proposed...Would you be so kind as to let me know if you agree to these conditions?"  In the second letter (Paris, 1 February 1956;  1 pp. on A4 personal stationary), he writes in part "I find myself in a huge embarrassment.  La Comédie-Française, which was supposed to mount one of my shows after the Easter holiday, has just informed me that the piece will go immediately into rehearsals for a mid-March opening, without giving me a precise date.  If everything goes well, I am hopeful rehearsals will be over by March 14.  But it is more than likely that they will run two or three days late. / You understand well, I am sure, that I would be very annoyed not to be able to attend [your talks].  But there is another possible solution," going on to ask about the availability of dates the institute had previously suggested.  The two remaining letters from Jules concern payment, arrival dates, and other practical matters.  The three letters from his wife are to Irma Antonetto and of a more social nature, one sent with an absent photograph upon the couple's return to France, another sending an article Lise thought may be of interest, and the third thanking Antonetto for sending a photograph of the couple in the Piazza San Carlo in Turin while mentioning that the next time Antonetto comes to Paris, the Romains will show her "a bistro just as good as the Gatto Nero."  Expected mailing folds, two holes to left margin of each letter, else fine. Read More...

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Autograph Letter
Autographs & Manuscripts

183. [Literature & Art] [Sartre, Jean-Paul. (1905–1980)] Faux, Claude. (1930–2017).
Autograph Letter Signed from His Secretary

ALS written by longtime secretary Claude Faux to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana regarding an invitation to have the philosopher speak.  6 August 1959;  1 pp. on half a sheet of A4.  In part (Translated from the French) "I cannot reach JP Sartre, who is on vacation in Italy at the moment. / Do you want to write him again in October so he may consider your proposition?"  Two holes to left margin, else fine.  8.5 x 5.5 inches (21.6 x 14 cm.). Read More...

184. [Literature & Art] Szyk, Arthur. (1894–1957).
Seven "Visual History of Nations" Title Pages – Signed

Seven brightly colored first edition prints from the Polish artist's nine-piece series, Visual History of Nations, representing the countries of Poland, Switzerland, China, USSR, Canada, France, and Great Britain.  Dated between 1946–1949, each is signed in ink to the lower right corner by Szyk with "First Edition" stamped to verso. Edges darkened from prior mounting, moderate toning and occasional edge stains throughout, two (France and Canada) with paper rippling from water exposure, else fine.  All measure 11 x 9 inches (28 x 23 centimeters). Read More...

185. [Literature & Art] Tolstoy, Leo. (1828–1910).
Cabinet Photograph

Original cabinet photograph of the important author, with a later spurious signature in ink dated 2 February 1905 (NB: not in Tolstoy's hand).  Light toning, surface scratches to verso, else in fine condition.  4 x 6.5 inches (10.5 x 16.5 cm.).

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Literature & Classics
Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

186. [Literature & Art] Updike, John. (1932–2009).
"When I come to Italy I want to come with the empty head and shut mouth of a tourist." - Typed Letter Signed

TLS from the American man of letters to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana, responding to a second invitation to have the author speak.  May 24, 1983; 1 pp., airmail letter.  "Dear Irma Antonetto:/  After eleven years, you should be entitled to a positive reply; but for the time being I have done enough travelling and posing as an author, and when I come to Italy I want to come with the empty head and shut mouth of a tourist.  Italy, that is, has much more to teach me than I it.  So, even thought the amount of lire has gone up wonderfully since 1972 (what is 1.400.000 in dollars, I wonder?), I fear I must decline, with my sincere thanks and/ Best wishes, [Signature]."  Updike had previously been asked to speak at the Associazione eleven years prior, an invitation which he had also declined.  Letter split along mailing fold with tape to back for stability, tears to edges from opening with text unaffected, two holes to left side of middle panel, else fine, 7.5 x 11 inches (19 x 27.9 cm.). Read More...

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Autographs & Manuscripts